What could be better to drive book sales than a super successful tech company not so secretly trying to squelch your muckraking, hilarious and soon to be published book.
Answer, nothing; and all the more fodder for the amusement and delight of supporters on both sides. Disrupted has already hit the NY Times top 5 best seller list on its first week.
Well known in tech circles by his psuedonym “Fake Steve Jobs,” a writer on the HBO series “Silicon Valley”, Dan Lyon’s new book, “Disrupted: My Misadventure in the Startup Bubble” is a memoir about his stint at HubSpot, a marketing software firm whose stock price has more than doubled since an initial public offering last fall.
Dan Lyons book tour stopped at Keplers Books in Menlo Park tonight.
Dan hit all the notes in wit and rancour, detailing his own experience at HubSpot and observations in general about the Silicon Valley youth culture from a “mature” perspective.
Lyon’s describes the Hubspot experience as “The office vibe was frat house meets cult compound,” and “nerf gun fights broke out at lunch; and absent bosses specialized in cryptic, jargon-filled emails.”
A worthy read by all accounts and will post a review as a comment to this article.